Monday, February 21, 2011

Me, me, ME!

Some people object to having a birthday.  Must have something to do with the idea of getting older.  I, however, still LOVE my birthday.  It symbolizes that I have survived another sometimes people get you presents.

The past few years, because of the timing of my mission trips, I have spent my birthday away from home.  This year - I am in Kenya and am preparing to go to Sudan.  It's not easy to have a celebration while shopping for supplies and buying medicines, but I am very excited about "my day" nonetheless.

This year, I have devised my own celebration and amusement.  I am truly thankful for the awesome experiences I have had over the past 31 years.  I feel lucky to have had the priveleges of travel, education and awesome friendships.  In the spirit of thanksgiving, I am including some of my favorite pictures from the past few years. And in the spirit of entertainment, I am including ten statements about myself.....

 AND to make it a bit more interesting, I have placed one FALSE statement...just to see if anyone can figure out which one it is.   (Sorry if this seems silly to some of you, but what can I say?  I don't own a TV anymore....)

Graduation 2010: Ob/Gyn Residency
1. When I was born, February 23, 1980, I was a breech vaginal delivery.

2.  Things I have wanted to be: a jockey, a forensic pathologist, a writer, an emergency room doctor.

Two babies delivered in Sudan, 2010

3.  Languages I speak: Spanish, French and Italian.

4. I love Thai food!

Making friends with the dolphins - Dolphin Cay, Bahamas, 2009

5. My favorite TV show - The Office!

6. I named Teddy after a US President.

Doing a C section, Tenwek, 2011

7.  I have been in the backseat of a police car.

8.  Secret addiction: Online shopping!

At an orphanage in Honduras, 2008
9.  I want to learn how to scuba dive.

10.  I have never seen the movie E.T..

.....And a picture by request  :-)


  1. I think #3 is false! I hope I get a prize! :)

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I am going to say number 9 because of how hard meeting dolphins was for you. =)
    SO wish we were meeting you in Nairobi to go to Sudan. Please tell me all about it!
    And if you go to the Carnivore, make sure they sing happy birthday to you!
    Love you!

  3. It's gotta be number 5! lol!

  4. Happy Birthday Carrie!
    I think its number 6.
    Your upcoming trip sounds great, be safe.
    Email me sometime you get a chance.

  5. So which one was it???? I want to know!

  6. In past lives (high school and college) I spoke French and German, now I speak English and some rapidly fading Spanish. Working on some Swahili. NO Italian though.
