Monday, November 8, 2010

Adventures in CraigsListing

As part of my preparations to move to Kenya, I have been slowly selling off my "stuff."  Tables, bedroom set, mirrors, knick-knacks, dishes, clothes - basically anything that I could slap a price tag on - I have tried to sell!

The subdivision I currently live in is a private cul-de-sac and prohibits yard sales.  Thus, I have had to find new and interesting ways of selling my belongings: consignment shops, flyers at work, and - best of all - Craig's List.  Craig's List is not just a way to sell things - it's a whole other way to experience the culture of one's city.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the process - Craig's List is an online "community board" for a city. People wanting to buy or sell something can post an ad with pictures of what they have/want.  Responses to the ads are made via email.  When I post something online about an item for sell - potential customers can send their "Hey, I'll buy that!" emails to me via Craig's List.  I can then respond.  Once a deal is struck, the item can be passed off one of two ways: 1. Meet at a common place or 2. Have a bunch of strangers come over to your house.

In the beginning, I was selling a lot of small items that fit easily into my car.  So, I met people in common areas, near my house.  But as the items got larger, I started having them come over to my house to pick up the items.  And then it got interesting...... here's a few of my memorable customers....

The SpendThrift:

The guy who bought my VCR: I sold it to him for $10.  He knelt on the floor, emptied out his pockets - $1 bills going everywhere.  He picked up ten $1 bills, handed them to me and then crammed the rest of his money back in his pockets.  "Got any extra food you're gonna throw out?" he asked.  I gave him a package of spaghetti and some sauce.

The Bargain Shopper:
The guy who bought my bookcase: it was one of those pre-fab, put-it-together-your-self deals.  I was asking $10.  He looked at it, looked at me, and said, "This is gonna be for my kid.  He'll probably tear it up in a year.  How about I give you $5?"    I said no.  He said, "You got change for a twenty?"   

The Hoarder:

The lady who bought my TV stand, side table and ottoman: She loaded up the furniture and immediately began looking around my house, even going from room to room.  "What else you got?  What about this picture?  That's pretty.  Or this clock?  I collect clocks.  And the flowers in your bathroom - I love those!"  She wanted my armoire.  I replied, "I'm still using it - it actually has all my stuff in it, and honestly it's not very well made.  See - the drawers don't completely close." 
"That's okay - I want it, here's my cell, call me when you want to sell it!"

All in all, CraigsList is awesome.  I've sold a lot of my for reasonable prices. 
I'll finish with a few tips:

1. State "Exact change required."
2. Write down how much items are listed for - I got short-changed $5 because I forgot how much the agreed upon price was once!
3. If you live alone and have the CraigsListers come over to your home, you should have a friend there with you, or have a friend call to check on you.
4. Back to #3 - When the friend calls to check on you, don't let it go to voicemail, because then your friend may think you are being assaulted.  (Sorry - YOU know who I am talking to!  :0) 

.......and hey, if you know anyone who wants a 4 place setting of Christmas dishes....I'll give you a good deal!

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