Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Reflections from A Vacation

1. Banana splits are the best thing in the world.  Unless its cold outside, then the best thing is Starbucks. 
2. Whoopi Goldberg does not look good on a big screen Hi Def TV.  Seriously.
3. It is so much hotter in Kentucky than Kenya in July.  So.  Much.  Hotter.
4. I have been fingerprinted so many times that I now qualify for America’s Most Wanted. (Am trying to get a medical license in the US and my fingerprints have been “rejected” twice now for various reasons – so while in Kentucky, I had TWO fingerprint cards made.  Hopefully, one will be accepted.
5.  There is a new Frosty (berry) and a new Mcflurry (Rolo).  Eh.  I'm not convinced that they've defeated the Blizzard.
6.  I still love reality TV. 

"Shut It Down!"
7.  Wine making is way more complicated than I ever knew.  I visited some beautiful wineries in Massachusetts and Rhode Island and got a crash course in wine-making.  Of course, I have forgotten most everything, but it went a little something like this: grapes, growing season, exposure to elements, hand picked versus machine picked, pressed, yeast, fermentation, bottle turning, resting, label and sell.

At the vineyard....acres of grapes in the background

These fish are an interesting community art project I found in Westport, Massachusetts.  Local artists created 40 stripers to display around the community; they will later be available for purchase on ebay.  All proceeds will go towards environmental education.

8.  It is really not necessary to have 47 different kinds of laundry detergent and 27 kinds of toothpaste.  It's overwhelming.  I was ecstatic when I returned to Nairobi and found one type of American cake mix on the shelf.  Go, Betty Crocker! 

9.  Drinking water out of the tap is Awesome.  It's cold and clean AND free! It's a gold mine in your OWN house.  Rejoice, people - REJOICE.

10.  The worst road in the US is still better than the best road in Kenya.  See previous blog: En Route. 

11.  The word "home" is so fluid.  Kentucky is my home. Cincinnati is my home.  Now Kenya is my home, too.  Home is also wherever Teddy is.  :-) 

My housemate and I at my Welcome Home Party in Nairobi.

No...not the gates of Hell...it's the meat pit at famed restaurant The Carnivore.  A favorite place for tourists, this restaurants serves up massives amounts of beef, turkey, chicken, lamb, camel, oxen, croc, ostrich and pork on giant skewers - slicing it right onto your plate.  A flag sets on every table - when you've had enough, just surrender, by lowering your flag!

Awwww, Teddy!


  1. Very nice blog. Sounds like you had a very nice vacation but also sounds like you are very much at "home" in Kenya. I think of you often and pray for you.

  2. I miss you!! Reading your posts always makes me wish we could hang out again. Love and prayers!!!!
